Saturday, February 26, 2011

I feel the world

As I am sitting here writing this, I am engaged in my favorite sport: people watching.  Go to any mall and just sit and watch.  People moving about is the most entertaining thing out there. I really have no idea because rarely do any of them do, say, or appear to be anything extraordinary, yet they are enthralling.

Right now, I am watching a couple, well presumably a couple, having a jovial and engage conversation entirely in sign language.  And as with most sign language conversations the participates faces and bodies are extremely expressive.  From what I can see, they are agreeing a lot about a very spirited topic.

This gets me thinking about how I interact and perceive the world.  I think about this couple getting married and the officiant delivering instructions and vows without a note of sound. Mtgs entire audience silent in respect to the experience these two were having.  That seems difficult to me.

I realize that the way I interact with the world is through feeling, emotional and perceptive feeling that is.  I use all of my senses all of the time to assess and experience the world around me.  Without the sound of bustling and talking, I wouldn't be able to full take in the joys of life, especially during my favorite sort of people watching.

This is not to say that the deaf or blind or mute have any less or more of an emotional experience of life, just that I know for me sound, sight, taste, touch, and smell all work in concert to define my interaction with reality and by extension my definition of self.

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