Saturday, February 12, 2011

And we're back!

OK, so it has been nearly a year and half since I posted on this tiny blog.  Life has happened in that time...changes to my world, my prospects, my, well, why not take up this blog (for real this time) and see what come out of my stream of consciousness.

Again, I have preface this newest iteration of these ruminations as just that: ruminations.  This blog is intended as one person’s thoughts and commentary on ordinary, however banal, glib, or unoriginal it may be (though let’s hope not.. :)).  And as I said before, I hope this blog promotes some sort of thematic or intellectual growth in me as the writer, but who really knows. Lastly, I have to say that who I am really is unimportant in this endeavor as I hope the content stands on its own (or falls on its own as it may be.)  The only things that you should about me is that a) I am male, b) I am relatively young, and c) I am American.


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