Thursday, April 14, 2011

I have (limited) control over my dreams

Do you have control over your dreams or are you just a hapless spectator?  From what I understand from my friends, they are often just spectators with a first person view (as in a first person shooter type of thing), but the events of the dream are uncontrollable by them.

I am not tethered to same constraints...well, not to the same degree.  I have the ability to guide my dreams when I am in the middle of them.  For instance, if I am walking down a street and I think it would be interesting if a house were to show up on the left, there will be a house on the left.  It won’t be as if it appears out of nowhere, but rather that it was there the whole time and I had just then noticed it.  If I am truly deep in a dream and have been a part of it for a while, I recognize this connection and can use it to my advantage to alter the timeline of the dream.  I can make objects or events appear in the dream to make it more interesting or veer in the direction I want it to go.

Is this some sort of abnormal connection between my conscious and unconscious mind?  I often wonder this.

Sometimes, I suffer from deja vu. Now, I know that many people experience this on a regular basis, but I think my experiences are a bit different.  Mine are very real and totally mundane.  When I have deja vu I can remember back to dream I had in which the people, place, and events all line up.  Yet, since I don’t remember most of my dreams after I have them, there is little I can do ahead of time.  Nevertheless, these incidents are very vivid and strong to the point where, in the moment, I can predict what someone is going to say or do because of the dream I had and the deja vu I am experiencing.  Want to know the strangest piece?  The strength and intensity of these incidents is directly related to the amount of sleep I have had the night before.  I will get very strong incidents of deja vu on days following low sleep nights.  If I have to stay up late or sleep poorly where I am really tired I will most likely have one of these incidents.

Again, I tie back to that potential abnormal connection between my conscious and unconscious mind.

This leads me to wonder the connection of the subconscious mind to a great time continuum.  If my deja vu are that strong then my subconscious mind must know something or be privy to a stream of thought and events that I cannot perceive consciously.  This makes me believe that there is an even greater inconnectedness between all of us than I think we understand.  I am not talking about religious connection, but rather a metaphysical connection between the events, thoughts, people, and places in our lives.

Part of me wishes I understood more and, better yet, could control more.  However, these are things that perhaps I am just to experience and not influence.  And while many people may be further intrigued by these connections and possibilities, I am content just letting them be for the time being.  Maybe at some point in the future I will explore them further through some sort of Eastern philosophical exploration of mind and energy.  But for now I’ll just bask in the occasional feeling of knowing what is coming next. I mean, my deja vus and dreams are never of anything very interesting after’s not like they giving insight into the next lottery numbers.

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