Wednesday, October 14, 2009

An ordinary introduction

How do I properly introduce my intentions?  How can I best describe my goal with this electronic stream of consciousness?  I really don’t think there is an a good answer to either of those questions.  I guess my intention is for this blog to explain itself...I hope that the purpose, themes, ideas, takeaways, bullshit, or whatever will develop as I move forward with it.

This blog is going to be pretty much a taste of observations on my ordinary life.  I hold no special place in society, nor do I do anything as a profession that one would consider extraordinary.  I live what I suppose is an ordinary life.  But that isn’t really important is it?  Hopefully, my observations will be transcend what is viewed as normal or standard or ordinary...hopefully I will offer something interesting on my daily life...or the lives of others.

I encourage readers to comment or respond.  I look forward to what you have to say about my thoughts, observations, conclusions, or analyses.  Together I think we can come away with some humor, some engaging conversation, something worth reading...

...I look forward to writing for you and with you.

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